SEO- spyglassis a backlink checker tool that ensures expected number of backlinks for your website. Although we pay for getting this link checker tool, but there are certain places from where backlink tool free of cost. One must look for these websites first before buying a SEO spyglass tool. These days, in the era of internet, there is massive struggle for getting more and more online popularity and attract traffic towards ones' own websites'. Internet marketing depends all on search engine rankings. The number of visitors you get is directly dependant on this ranking or placement. Another way to get traffic is through backlinks. These are links that link from other page but finally reaches your websites' URL. For this link checker tool is the most effective way. Named as SEO spyglass, a backlink checker tool helps in getting quality backlinks for your website.
Regarding working of SEO spyglass, this link checker tool traces the total number of backlinks your competitors are using. Secondly, it tracks about the links that are driving traffic to their websites. It also figures out what keyword density and anchor text words or phrases your competitors are using and determines how valuable each of your competitor's links is, including the Google Page Rank for each. So, in a way, SEO Spyglass works as a spy on your competitors' websites, tracks all the backlinks they have and also provides useful websites so that your website can gain quality backlinks. The best thing regarding using SEO spyglass- the link checker tool, is that all the data or information facilitated to you is tried and factual. The backlinks provided by this backlink checker tool are really useful in attracting large number of visitors to your website and thus help it gain online popularity. It reveals the secret how and from where your competitors, ranking high on SERP's, are getting back links. Using same websites, you can also aim at attaining higher ranks. SEO spyglass can also be downloaded online.