As we saw with Hurricane Katrina, we learned what a hurricane could really do. The Center Hurricane National hurricane watch center indeed could not believe the Hurricane Katrina picture once the storm moved inland. Many remembered Camille Hurricane of the past and her devastation as the hurricane tracking showed that Hurricane Katrina would be similar to the Camille Hurricane and Hurricane Irene or even the Andrew Hurricane. The Hurricane tracker was an ominous site for those who will Hurricane watch as they waited for the biggest Hurricane New Orleans had ever seen. The storm surge was like Tsunami or Harbor Wave onto the Gulf Coast only this was a Harbor Hurricane of biblical proportions. Hurricane Miami weather center had already experienced the hurricane name of Katrina, which was a hurricane tropical storm rather than a hurricane national tragedy.
As Hurricane Katrina path unfolded the hurricane picture was dim. Hurricane Katrina New Orleans would never be the same after this 2005 Hurricane Season. Folks went out in record numbers to by hurricane shutter systems for each window and after it was all over we watched the Hurricane Katrina Video is utter dismay knowing that they did forecast hurricane Katrina almost right on the money. It certainly brought back memories of a Hurricane Ivan, Emily, Charley, Hugo, Betsy, Dennis, Gilbert and Charlie and all the history and those photos, videos and large category hurricanes of Florida, Carolina, Texas and the Caribbean. Hurricane Katrina track was headed straight for New Orleans some thought it would hit Flag Harbor Hurricane and each update showed the growth into a 5 category hurricane, which is the very worst hurricane weather you can get.
Luckily the hurricane map tracking is getting better, but when a Cat 5 Hurricane is headed toward you, it is of little value say those who Blog Hurricane Katrina. Then she hit and we saw the damage, information, relief efforts, news and got a report from FEMA and warnings of more storms. We say Hurricane victim after victim, just like we say in the 1972 Hurricane in New Orleans and the five landfall Hurricanes of the 2004 Hurricane season. Looking at the overlays of the chart hurricane tracking and hurricane map system from the Hurricane NOAA Center, we understand exactly what the Hurricane National Service is faced with in predicting these devastating storms. Indeed the hurricane katrina path projected, showed hurricane Katrina going up into Mississipp, where flooding took place. Just North of New Orleans was Slidell, LA which was hard hit as well. We saw the coverage of Hurricane Katrina live from news helicopters and thought of the Galveston Hurricane disaster, we saw the boats in upside down and houses completely knocked off their foundations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina it spared nothing in the hurricane path.
Thankfully many a hurricane katrina volunteer came to the rescue as those trapped with even many days worth of supplies or a hurricane lamp could not survive for weeks on end without power. Many in the Gulf region recalled their battle with
hurricane Isabel. The news interviewed on hurricane katrina survivor and showed them the computer hurricane model that they had seen on TV and they asked, why didn't you evacuate? They man said we was used to Hurricane Louisiana and was not afraid of the hurricane, whether it was the Catarina hurricane or any other, in fact he showed the reporters his candle holder for the Hurricane. He recalled the Biloxi hurricane he thought was like Katrina. But he admitted after reviewing the hurricane New Orleans picture that the "Hunter hurricane crews on the Weather Channel were correct and this hurricane worst, he had ever seened"
Hurricane storm tropical center hurricane in Miami warned, even the President told people to evacuate, any sane person would have left after viewing the NOAA's 5
hurricane image Katrina satellite. Why did they stay, why did they have to die? In hindsight it is easy to say, how dumb it was, but many point to the increasing numbers of false alarms in the past. Hopefully the new tracking and data sets, with super computers will change all that?
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.